San Marco by Jenny Lovric

A mysterious rat at San Felice

The following options are available:

  1. A single talk to as many children/staff/visitors as you like. This is an illustrated lecture with some audience interaction, about how Michelle came to write books about Venice, the strangeness of life there, her obsession with history and long words, and her rather unusual childhood. There are private insights into the stories hidden in Venice’s streets, her food and her traditions. The talk includes ideas for teachers and children on how to carve interesting stories from the clutter of real life.
  2. A single talk for adults/teachers about being a ‘merchant of stories’ – how to stimulate children to produce high-quality creative writing, using their own experiences as a starting point.
  3. A panel discussion with other historical novelists, such as The History Girls, about writing historical fantasy and writing about place.
  4. Master-classes in creative writing for small groups of children, who will have submitted short pieces of writing in advance.
  5. Special private tours in Venice of the scenes from all the novels; also literary workshops, using the city as an inspiration for all kinds of writing.

There should be time for Q & A afterwards, and book signings if required.

Michelle brings her own computer or memory stick for PowerPoint but will need a projector and an unflappable IT person to set it up in good time for the talk.

Schools can invite a local bookseller to provide books or source them directly from the publishers with a discount.

The cost is based on Society of Authors guidelines plus travel from central London and overnight accommodation if necessary for an early start.

To contact Michelle about school visits or events, please email: m l at (use @ symbol) michellelovric dot (use full stop)  com (Please type it with no spaces. Apologies for this but it prevents spamming.)

Paline by Jenny Lovric



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